435-890-8366 is a phone number from Utah of United States. Possible location of the number is Cache, the zip code of the area is 84341, The Service Provider is AT&T Local. The number type is Landline. The following tables show the public information.
Public Information |
Phone Number |
435-890-8366 |
International Number |
+1 435-890-8366 |
Area Code |
435 - Logan, UT |
435-890 |
Service Provider |
AT&T Local |
Latitude |
41.7325 |
Longitude |
-111.8315 |
Possible Location |
Cache |
Primary city |
Logan, UT |
Country |
United States |
Status |
Active |
ZIP Code |
84341 |
More Information |
Zip Code |
84341 |
CBSA Name |
Logan, UT-ID |
CBSA Code |
30860 |
Major citys in the area |
Cedar City, UT;Logan, UT;St. George, UT;Tooele, UT |
Type |
Landline |
Introduced |
05/10/1999 |
Information about 435-890 |
Type |
Landline |
Company |
AT&T Local |
County |
Cache |
State |
Utah |
Country |
United States |