610-447-9055 is a phone number from Pennsylvania of United States. Possible location of the number is Delaware, the zip code of the area is 19022, The Service Provider is Verizon Pennsylvania. The number type is Landline. The following tables show the public information.
Public Information |
Phone Number |
610-447-9055 |
International Number |
+1 610-447-9055 |
Area Code |
610 - Chester, PA |
610-447 |
Service Provider |
Verizon Pennsylvania |
Latitude |
39.8501 |
Longitude |
-75.3573 |
Possible Location |
Delaware |
Primary city |
Chester, PA |
Country |
United States |
Status |
Active |
ZIP Code |
19022 |
More Information |
Zip Code |
19022 |
CBSA Name |
Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD |
CBSA Code |
37980 |
Major citys in the area |
Allentown, PA;Bethlehem, PA;Chester, PA;Drexel Hil |
Type |
Landline |
Introduced |
02/04/1994 |
Information about 610-447 |
Type |
Landline |
Company |
Verizon Pennsylvania |
County |
Delaware |
State |
Pennsylvania |
Country |
United States |