

661-388-1402 is a phone number from California of United States. Possible location of the number is Los Angeles, the zip code of the area is 91321, The Service Provider is Time Warner Cbl Info Svcs (ca) DBAtime Warner Cbl. The number type is Landline. The following tables show the public information.

Public Information
Phone Number 661-388-1402
International Number +1 661-388-1402
Area Code 661 - Santa Clarita, CA
NXX 661-388
Service Provider Time Warner Cbl Info Svcs (ca) DBAtime Warner Cbl
Latitude 34.3853
Longitude -118.5256
Possible Location Los Angeles
Primary city Santa Clarita, CA
Country United States
Status Active
ZIP Code 91321
More Information
Zip Code 91321
CBSA Name Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA
CBSA Code 31080
Major citys in the area Bakersfield, CA;Delano, CA;Lancaster, CA;Oildale,
Type Landline
Introduced 08/16/2010
Information about 661-388
Type Landline
Company Time Warner Cbl Info Svcs (ca) DBAtime Warner Cbl
County Los Angeles
State California
Country United States